belajar bahasa inggris
Apa pendapat mu
tentang pertanian di indonesia?
Apa peran petani di indonesia?
Apa pendapat mu jika petani gagalsbag panen?
1 lumayani bagus karenena oran indonesia sudah mulai
pintarberawalberawal pertanian
Usulan; untuk lebih meningkatkan mutu pertanian
2 sbagai pengelola lahan pertanian
Usulan; memperbanyak orang untuk mengelola lahan tersebut
3. pendapatan petani berkurang
Usulan; agar meningkatkan perawatan agar tidak gagal panen
1.belum terlalu baik karena petani indonesia belum terlalu
maju dalam pertanian
Usulan;sebaiknya para petani harus lebih menggutamakan
2.pertanian sangat penting karena kalu tidak ada petani di
indonesia kita tidak bisa mencukupi kehidupan kita sehari-hari
Usulan;petani Hrus lebih mementingkan lagi pertanianya
3.sangat merugikan sekali bagi para petani baik yang
memproduksi maupun yang mengkonsumsi
Usulan;petani harus lebih memperhatikan lagi tanamanya agar
tidak terjadi gagal panen lagi
1.lumayan bagus karena pertanian din indonesia bisa
mengekspor hasil panen
Usulan ;agar lebih baik pertanianya dari negara
2.peran petani di indonesia sebagai pejuang ekonomi
Usulan;harus di perbarui mutu panenya agar lebih banyak
penunjagan ekonominya
3.kasihan karena para petani rugi besar dan merasa lahanya
kurang perekonomianya
Usulan;harus berawal dengan baik agar tidak lagi gagal panen
1.cukup bagus karena pertanian yang ada di indonesia sudah
mengikuti perkembangan zaman
Usulan;agar pertanian jauh lebih bagus dari sebelumya
2.sebagai pengelola lahan
3.pendapatan petani berkurang
Usulan;memperbaiki atau mengelola lahan dengan baik
1.pertanian di indonesia sudah mulai berkembang karena
sebagian besar penduduk indonesia mayoritas bermata pencaharian di bidang
Usulan;saya mengusulkan kepada petani untuk meninggalkan
produktifitas penanamanya di bidang pertanian
2.peran petani yaitu menanam bahan pangan seperti padi
Usulan;saya menggusulkan agar para petani semakin
meninggkatkan kualitas penanamanya
terutama di sektor pertanian
3.pastinya pendapatanya berkurang dan juga merasakan
Usulan;seharusnya petani memperhatikan masalah yang dapat
menggagalkan panenya seperti terdapatnya hama yang ada di daun padi.agar tidak
gagal panen maka petani harus membasminya.
1.What do
you think about agriculture in Indonesia?
2.What is
the role of farmers in Indonesia
3.What do
you think if farmers fail to harvest
1. Has not
been too good for Indonesian farmers have not been too forward in agriculture
Proposed; to
further improve the quality of agricultural
Agriculture is very important because otherwise there are no farmers in
Indonesia we can not meet our daily lives
multiply people to manage the land
3. Extremely
detrimental to all farmers who both produce and consume
Proposed; in
order to improve care to avoid crop failure again
1.What do
you think about agriculture in Indonesia?
2.What is
the role of farmers in Indonesia
3.What do
you think if farmers fail to harvest
1. Has not
been too good for Indonesian farmers have not been too forward in agriculture
should farmers have to prioritize agriculture
Agriculture is very important because otherwise there are no farmers in
Indonesia we can not meet our daily lives
Proposed ;
farmers should be more concerned with longer farm
3. very good
detrimental for both the farmers who produce and consume
farmers should pay more attention to prevent further crop harvests again
1.What do
you think about agriculture in Indonesia?
2.What is
the role of farmers in Indonesia
3.What do
you think if farmers fail to harvest
1. Quite
good for agriculture in Indonesia could export crops
Proposed; so
much better than the state agricultural
2. Role of
farmers in Indonesia as an economic warrior
must be updated in order to harvest more of the quality of supporting economic
3. Pity
because farmers feel a great loss and less land economy
must begin with either no longer in order to crop failure
1.What do
you think about agriculture in Indonesia?
2.What is
the role of farmers in Indonesia
3.What do
you think if farmers fail to harvest
1. Quite
good for agriculture in Indonesia has been with the times
that agriculture is much better than before
2. As land
3. Reduced
farmers' income
repair or properly manage the land
1.What do
you think about agriculture in Indonesia?
2.What is
the role of farmers in Indonesia
3.What do
you think if farmers fail to harvest
Agriculture in Indonesia has begun to develop because most of the majority of
the Indonesian population livelihood in agriculture
Proposed; I
propose to farmers to abandon planting productivity in agriculture
2. Role of
farmers to plant food such as rice
Proposal: I
propose that the farmers further improve the quality of planting, especially
in the agricultural sector
3. Certainly
reduced its income and also felt disappointment
farmers should pay attention to issues that can derail the harvest as the
presence of pests in rice leaves to avoid crop failure then farmers must get
rid of it.
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